JJMM Attorneys – Law Firm in the East Rand with offices in Kempton Park

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A Trust can be described as a legal relationship which has been created by the founder, who places assets under the control


The sequestration process involves a Court Application. The Applicant in the Application is either yourself for your own sequestration (voluntary surrender) or the


Ons weet almal van sjebeens, tog is dit ‘n digbewaarde geheim omdat dit as ‘n onwettige besigheid beskou word. Ons bespreek sjebeens

In South African law there is no such thing as a common law marriage. People simply believe that living together with another

Imagine signing a deed of sale for your dream house and later discovering that the contract lapsed because you obtained bond approval

We have all made New Year’s Resolutions. This year I will start exercising, eating healthy and spend less time at the office

Mr Black buys a BMW car in terms of a hire purchase agreement and the financing is done through BMW Finance. After

Mr Black buys a BMW car in terms of a hire purchase agreement and the financing is done through BMW Finance. After

The Family Advocate has many duties but in the context of Divorce Law, they are mostly consulted for making sure that all

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