VAT on Short-Term Lettings and Commissions
Are you acting as agent or principal—and what would be the pragmatic approach? There are very few people across the world who haven’t heard of Airbnb. Started in San Francisco in 2008, this multi-billion-dollar NASDAQ-listed company that employs around 7,000 people has revolutionised the short-term letting industry. Over four million property owners around the world […]
Tax neutral liquidation distributions
The Income Tax Act contains various provisions in terms of which transactions can occur between specified parties without adverse tax consequences being incurred in respect of those transactions. These provisions are contained in sections 41 to 47 of the Income Tax Act and are generally known as the “group relief provisions”. Apart from certain value-shifting and general anti-avoidance provisions, the group relief […]
Can losses be distributed out of a trust?
On 18 March 2021, the Supreme Court of Appeal delivered judgment in the case of Massmart Holdings Limited v The Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service. The case dealt with losses which were incurred within the broader Massmart group in respect of the investing of equity instruments as part of an employee share incentive scheme. The mechanism of the scheme was that shares allocated to the designated employees would be […]
The tax legislative amendment cycle
As we approach the (expected) 24 February 2021 Budget Address by Finance Minister, Tito Mboweni, it is useful to consider how the proposed tax amendments raised during the Budget Speech eventually become law. As a starting point, it is important to remember that the South African Revenue Service (SARS) does not make tax law. In South Africa, Parliament is responsible […]
The name “Capital Gains Tax” (CGT) can create the impression that CGT stands on its own as a separate tax from the rest of the taxes but this is not the case. CGT forms part of the Income Tax system and capital gains and capital losses must be declared in the annual Income Tax return […]
Capital Gains Tax was introduced on 1 October 2001. Capital Gains Tax is payable on the profit a seller makes when disposing of his property. What is meant by Capital Gain? A person’s capital gain on an asset disposed of is the amount by which the proceeds exceed the base cost of that asset. What […]